"You can teach students one lesson a day; but if you can teach them to learn by creating curiosity, they will continue the learning process for as long as they live." ~ adapted from Clay P. Bedford

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 4 Classroom Routines

Well ladies and gentlemen, the week is officially over and I'm about to head home for the weekend. Before I do that though, I wanted to include a tidbit of information that I had forgot to mention in my other blog posts.

i. Students that arrive late- students who are late must have a "late" slip and present it to the teacher upon entering class - UNLESS the teacher feels like being nice.

ii. Taking attendance- attendance is taken online and at the start of every class. Collingwood has implemented a "PCR" system that serves as an attendance record, homework channel, and assignment collector. It is also used for marks - giving and sending.

iii. Students that fail to complete assignments by the due date- They are given extensions and allowed to hand in the assignment without penalty whenever it is complete (something I completely disagree with). Notes and good excuses are encouraged and help with sympathy marking.

iv. Students who are away on the day of a test- students need a note signed by a parent. Tests are re-scheduled when it is convenient for both teacher and student.

v. Students who want re-test- retests are given ALL THE TIME here at Collingwood (again I completely disagree with this aspect). All the student has to do is ask for one.

vi. Collecting assignments- students who have completed the homework/assignments on time hand them in at the beginning of class.

vii. Students who wish to use the washroom during class time-all teachers allow washroom time - students must ask to go and teachers CAN say no.

viii. Consumption of food/drink in the classroom- this is completely up to the teacher. Some teachers allow food/drink, some do not. Water is allowed in all classes.

ix. Structuring individual activities- I've noticed that there is a lot more individual work than group work and I think it's because when in groups the students do not focus and talk about other things.

x. Structuring group activities- The largest group work I've seem is done in pairs and the students must work together with who they are sitting beside. There is very little movement during class time.

xi. Detentions- I have not heard of any after school detentions. Lunch detentions, however, do happen.

In almost every one of the classes I observe the teacher begins with a "Welcome/good morning/good afternoon ladies and gentlemen," and with that, ALL the students stand and say "Good morning/afternoon Mr./Ms. (insert name here)." As they stand, the teacher's do a uniform check, pass the cell phone basket around, and invite the students to sit.

Until next time,

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